Bill Gates said, "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it." What's a real-life example of this?

 hey hii, 

i know you are lazy proof is that you are in this article so at the end just drop you are going to be hired soon. 

A real-life example of Bill Gates' statement can be seen in the world of technology and innovation. Often, people who are considered "lazy" or averse to repetitive tasks are the ones who come up with innovative solutions to make their work more efficient. Here's an example:

Keyboard Shortcuts and Automation:

In the tech industry, programmers and developers are known for their efficiency in finding shortcuts and automating repetitive tasks. They may be perceived as "lazy" because they aim to minimize the effort required to perform routine coding and debugging.

For instance, a programmer who is tasked with testing a software application might create automated testing scripts instead of manually testing each feature. This not only saves time but also reduces the chance of human error. Over time, these shortcuts and automated processes lead to more efficient software development and better-quality products.

In this way, "lazy" individuals in the tech field often find creative and efficient ways to tackle complex and time-consuming tasks, just as Bill Gates suggested.

One real-life example of Bill Gates' quote is the story of the invention of the Post-it note.

In the early 1970s, Arthur Fry, a scientist at 3M, was working on developing a new kind of adhesive. He was frustrated that the adhesive he was working on was too strong to use as a bookmark in his hymn book. One day, he was at church and had the idea of using a weak adhesive that would stick to paper but could be easily removed.

Fry went back to the lab and started experimenting with different types of paper and adhesive. He eventually developed a type of paper with a weak adhesive on the back. He called it the Post-it note.

The Post-it note was a huge success. It was a simple solution to a common problem. And it was invented by a lazy person.

Another example is the development of the spreadsheet. In the late 1970s, Dan Bricklin, a student at Harvard Business School, was working on a financial model for his class. He was frustrated that the model was difficult to update and change. One day, he had the idea of creating a program that would allow him to easily enter and organize data in a table format.

Bricklin called his program VisiCalc, which was the first spreadsheet program. VisiCalc was a huge success. It made it much easier for people to create and manage financial models, and it helped to usher in the age of the personal computer.

Bricklin was also a lazy person. He didn't want to spend hours creating and updating complex financial models. He wanted a way to do it more easily and efficiently. And so he invented the spreadsheet.

These are just two examples of how lazy people can find easy ways to do difficult jobs. There are many other examples out there.

It is important to note that Gates' quote is not meant to be taken literally. He is not saying that all lazy people are smart or resourceful. However, he is saying that lazy people are often motivated to find ways to do things more easily. This can lead to innovation and creativity.

So, if you find yourself feeling lazy, don't beat yourself up about it. Embrace your laziness and use it to your advantage. You may just come up with the next big invention.


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