
Showing posts from October, 2023

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       I need to stop wasting time with friends i need to build not talk ..................................................................................

Our Education System Sucks!

 Title: "The Need for Reform: A Critical Examination of India's Education System" Introduction: India's education system is a subject of intense debate and scrutiny. While it has its merits, there are undeniable shortcomings that must be addressed. This article provides an in-depth analysis of the issues plaguing the system and emphasizes the urgent need for reform. Rote Learning vs. Critical Thinking: The prevailing emphasis on rote learning discourages creativity and critical thinking. It's crucial to shift towards a curriculum that promotes analytical skills, problem-solving, and innovation. Inequality in Access: Disparities in educational access persist, with rural areas and marginalized communities often left behind. Bridging this gap is essential for inclusive development. Pressure and Mental Health: The relentless pursuit of high grades and competition places enormous pressure on students, leading to mental health issues. A more balanced approach to educati

"Diverse Paths to Learning: Exploring Various Avenues with Real Indian Examples" 7 october 2023

 Title: "Diverse Paths to Learning: Exploring Various Avenues with Real Indian Examples" Introduction: Learning is a lifelong journey, and in India, it takes on many forms and pathways. This article delves into the myriad ways individuals in India engage in the process of learning, each with its unique story and significance. Formal Education - The Classroom Chronicles: In India, formal education remains a cornerstone of learning. Institutions like the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) are renowned globally. For instance, the story of Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google, who graduated from IIT Kharagpur, highlights the impact of formal education. Online Learning - A Digital Revolution: With the advent of platforms like Byju's and Coursera, online learning has boomed. The success story of Anjali, a village girl who aced competitive exams using free online resources, exemplifies the reach of digital learning. Skill-Based Training - E

Breaking Free from Legacy News: Embracing the Digital Age

Hey there! 👋 As a fellow reader, I totally get where you're coming from. Nowadays, we have access to an overwhelming amount of information from various sources, including the internet and 𝕏 (you know, that platform we all love! 😉). It's no wonder that traditional news outlets sometimes struggle to keep up with the lightning-fast pace of breaking news. In a world where information travels at the speed of light, keeping up with the news has become a daily ritual for many of us. But here's a confession: I almost never read legacy news anymore. Why? Because what's the point of reading 1000 words about something that was already posted on 𝕏 several days ago? 🤷‍♂️ The digital age has ushered in a new era of news consumption, one that prioritizes real-time updates and instant access to information. Legacy news outlets, with their lengthy articles and delayed reporting, are struggling to keep pace. 𝕏, along with numerous other digital platforms, has revolutionized the way

where is power among humans

 Based on the real-time information, the concept of power among humans can be understood in various ways. Here are some key points: Power gives people the ability to control themselves and their environment, and it is considered a fundamental human need. The perception of power as a means to control one's destiny, influence others, and make a lasting impact on the world can be highly motivating. Power triggers a readiness to think, speak, and act, increasing the vigor and frequency of output in domains that are relevant to the exercise of power. The "power of humanity" is a popular slogan in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, emphasizing the importance of human compassion and assistance. Overall, power among humans can be seen as a force that enables individuals to exert control, influence others, and make a meaningful impact on their lives and the world around them.Power among humans is distributed across various domains and institutions, and it can t


 I'm sorry, but I don't have access to real-time information to provide you with a list of Indian politicians based on popularity. However, you can search online for recent surveys or polls conducted by reputable organizations that rank the popularity of Indian politicians. These surveys often consider factors such as public opinion, approval ratings, and electoral success. Narendra Modi : Prime Minister of India and leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Amit Shah : Home Minister of India and a key BJP leader. Rahul Gandhi : Leader of the Indian National Congress (INC) and a prominent opposition figure. Arvind Kejriwal : Chief Minister of Delhi and leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). Mamata Banerjee : Chief Minister of West Bengal and leader of the Trinamool Congress (TMC). Yogi Adityanath : Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and a senior BJP leader. Sharad Pawar : Veteran politician and leader of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP). M. K. Stalin : Chief Minister of Tamil

list of persons make a list across india well read experts

 Here is a list of well-read experts across India: Khushwant Singh: Khushwant Singh was a renowned Indian author, journalist, and historian. He was known for his extensive knowledge and deep understanding of literature. His works include novels, short stories, and non-fiction books. Amartya Sen: Amartya Sen is an Indian economist and philosopher who has made significant contributions to the field of social choice theory and welfare economics. He is a Nobel laureate and has authored numerous books on economics and social issues. Arundhati Roy: Arundhati Roy is an Indian author and activist. She gained international recognition for her debut novel, "The God of Small Things," which won the Man Booker Prize. Roy is known for her insightful writing and her activism on various social and political issues. Ramachandra Guha: Ramachandra Guha is an Indian historian and writer. He is known for his expertise in environmental history, cricket history, and Indian politics. Guha has author